The feeling of true love

The feeling of true love

To love is to be defeated, to be defeated. Think about it!  Above all, a true lover is too afraid to tell his loved one to express his feelings of love.

When a man who says he is me falls in love, fear invades his body and his identity.  He admits that love is to be defeated, defeated, and captured.  The same is true of girls.

“Love, yes, is to be defeated. Yes, it is to fall under that true feeling and be found weak. Love, is to be free from reason and live one’s truth and accept one’s identity. Love is to be unable to control oneself. So it is to be defeated.

It is a great defeat.  Love is awesome.  An incurable disease.  It may be unrepaired wounds,unshed tears, unpassed pain.It is not the person they love who is feared, but Love itself.

And once you love, everything you say about me will disappear.  You become a remnant to yourself.With your permission, you are created to think and think of someone above yourself.

Love is a war without any fighting, surrender.  It is to welcome, to separate, to disappear, to live for a stranger, to migrate into someone else’s world.

Love,is scary.  We are not afraid of love because we are male or female, just because we are human.  Even if we are who we are, even if we cannot control the path of our lives, we can plan and think.  But to love means to give up all of this.

To love means to pit everything they have planned, thought, and decided before.  It remains to be known what is coming, what will happen and what will happen.  Because it is beyond one’s control and replaced by love!  Love migrates all this in the direction that suits it.  It confuses you with everything.

And ignorance is frightening.  And love destroys likeness.  It will eliminate it.  Therefore, work, friendship, and the like are all under the control of the power of love.  They lack meaning.

But most frightening of all, is the abandonment of Love.  Leaving love is so scary.  Love knows no reason, no choice”.

The relationship in which the two bodies come together and accumulate in the love chamber is as different as the human form;  it may be in different ways.  There are times when issues that we need to think about and understand are covered up and we make hasty decisions.

To find the person we love, just using that warm feeling covered in the spirit of love is the right thing to do.  Then when there is calm between the two, the eyes are opened, and the mind is stretched out and many perspectives are inevitable.

Before that, especially for love, the relationship between the two parties must be thoroughly understood.  As if tomorrow does not invite us to regret, evil, or other harm.

Having said that, we will talk to a few issues that I think should not be mistaken, and a few that I believe need to be cautioned first.

The first is the age issue. This is largely a negative effect on men.  When a man marries a much older girl and in the process she begins to use the rest of her life, he becomes disturbed.  He starts to suspect her even though there is no problem between them.

His mind is not only disturbed by her smallness but also comes to the point of disturbing her.  This accumulates feelings of jealousy, anger and guilt in him as she develops relationships with others.  There are many such people who speak out and say that she is young and that they have judged her.  Then both of their lives become unsettled.  The feelings in her are also good.  Age balance is important.

Second, it is the tendency to develop positive relationships with others.  She plays, laughs, and can get along well with people, especially other men.  If this stems from a level of misunderstanding, the longer the relationship lasts, the more poisonous it will be in the husband’s attitude.

   We need to be ready to understand each other’s behavior and ethics.

Third: the form.  When she takes shape over him, “she can find someone better than me, meet someone better than me” and then it starts to take hold in his heart.  When he starts to stir up such thoughts, his self-confidence declines.  He hates himself and only sprouts bad thoughts.  Physical differences in body or appearance when they are often thrown together are human and contain nothing but self-deprecating thoughts.

This happens when a romantic relationship depends on benefits and circumstances.  It’s very good to be restrained here.  The same is good for appearance.

Fourth, you can say, “It’s moral,” but it’s mutual interest in the relationship between the two of them.  That is, the sexual relationship between them.  If this deficiency exists among them, especially if the man is aware of this deficiency, he is not at peace.

He is completely disturbed by anger and doubt.  At this point, “she will leave me, and desire another man, she may want it” is a good thing in his opinion that beautiful looks are not’ accumulated.  Therefore, it is likely to show different views for words.

Here, let those who know each other first, but those who do not know each other have problems between them that can be openly discussed.

If the above points are not thought about in advance, they can lead to despair, chaos, insecurity and decisions such as hurting each other and hurting ourselves.

When these four ideas are found accumulated in the same house, they give no choice but to kill each other and commit suicide.  These are psychological problems that disturb, depress and pollute.

However, before marriage, it is necessary to understand each other on at least three points.  Making good choices about what we think and measure is hope for our own lives and for the family life that will develop among us.  It is a rest for peace.  It’s convenient.
Think about it and understand each other!

It’s good to love.  Love it, guys.  Love is one of the emotions that sweeten the taste of life.  But be careful that it does not degrade you but enhances you.
   Love is never limited.  Because it’s life!

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