What is wrong with love?

Let a discerning woman examine both things for her brothers.

These two points I make are the truths that I understand and shine when I study the Word of God.  Often it is our men rather than Satan who fails our sisters. 

The reason is that they choose each other just as people who do not know the gospel choose each other instead of the criteria of the gospel because they do not know what kind of person is right for them.  But the whole life of a believer is written and fulfilled in the gospel.  It is up to us to read and live by it. 

Our biggest problem is that we get into trouble with lack of understanding and say, “What, God, can’t your eyes see?”  We blame God for two of our own misunderstandings.  My advice is based on the following quote.

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds, and over every living creature that moves on the earth,  and let them have dominion over it!”  said.”  Head 1/2

We learn both of these points in the story of Adam and Eve.  In the beginning only Adam was created.

Eve is later taken from his side in chapter  But Adam reveals ” They” in the dano.  Why is it?  God had things to expect from Adam and did not reveal Eve to him immediately but had already made her and hidden her in him.

↪️Criterion 1 Check the man’s understanding

No matter how much he learns, no matter how beautiful he is, no matter how much he has.  Check a brother’s understanding before answering any questions. 

Does he know about the gospel when he talks to you?  Did he give his heart to Jesus?  Can Boor be a good father to your children?  Or is he wasting his time quietly saying “beautiful, please,…..” when he sees you?  Adam was alone because his understanding needed to grow before Eve left him.  He named the beasts and the beasts. 

God was amazed at his understanding and looked at his loneliness.  If a man lacks Understanding and has Wealth, believe me, he will have trouble in tomorrow’s marriage.  He cannot be the head of his household.

↪️2nd requirement:- must be hardworking for his household.
Don’t fall in love with someone in your life who is studying and doesn’t have a job. 

When God helps a campus student to enter the University, it is to get out with a Degree, not to marry a better girl and enter the family.  Everything has a time.

  He must obey his family and please them according to the Bible.  Then it should have a life of its own.  Don’t clean the cocoon.

If he is someone who falls and gets up to change himself, he is better.  Even if he has a good understanding and does not like work, he is not for you.

Adam delivered edible plants to Eve in Eden before she left.  “If there is love, the other one will come tomorrow,” they will tell you, “so call me when he comes tomorrow.  The Word is not the voice of God and it was created by us.  Jesus supported his family by carpentry.  Paul served the Gospel by pitching tents and earning money.  Moses is a shepherd. 

David was a shepherd.  If he is a minister, let him have his own business.  Don’t let his gate bars go like cululuqa girls.  Let it work because it’s dirty.  My sister, I told you a secret today.  Live it up.  Don’t forget these two points.
From your brother who can now serve you the truth of the Gospel


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