It’s a wonderful love story

A story that families should learn from

Grandmother’s Child

We were playing with a friend.  He had previously told me that he had a fiancé.
While we were playing, I asked when they were getting married.  He said, “No, we broke up with my friend.”  I was shocked.  When I asked him why he broke up, I could tell from his body language that he didn’t want to tell me.  I asked him what the problem was and he played me as follows.

Me and my fiancé met by accident.  One day while I was walking, it started to rain.  I immediately ran under a house and prepared for the rain.  A girl whose beauty I could not describe came and greeted me and said, “Go home until the rain stops.”

I wouldn’t have wanted to go home;  but when he saw the girl, he could not pass her by and went into the house.  Then she steamed coffee and brought it with acai.  He would tell me to eat but she would go up and down the house.
I was confused and my eyes refused to look without her.  She would stealthily look at me sometimes.  To your surprise, the girl is someone I love.

No one will believe you if you say that her hair belongs to a horse but not to a man.  Her appearance is urban.  Her teeth are carrots.  When she laughed, even the clouds from the sky would say ‘wolelli’.  I suspected it would be very difficult to walk away from this man.  I tried to convince myself that this was impossible.  Now the rain has come.  I said goodbye and left the house.

She led me away with that deadly smile.
When I went outside, my legs began to tire.  My heart rate increased excessively.

But I was cursing my birthday for not taking this girl’s call.  I’ve honestly never seen anyone that beautiful unless it’s in a movie.  What I saw left me restless.  I began to realize that he was even going to the point of forgetting himself.

After I went in, I remembered that I had forgotten something.  He said I forgot my education certificate so I left at the girl’s house.  It’s getting late so they don’t have to go back and home will be a little farther for them.  So I convinced myself I had to be patient.

I was tired of eating in the evening.  I couldn’t sleep.
Around three o’clock some phone call rang.  I was so tired inside thinking about the girl that I didn’t want to pick up the phone.

He called and called and closed himself.  After a while, I received a text message.  He said, ‘You prepared the rain in our house before;  you forgot your educational certificates here with us so come and get them tomorrow.

You can imagine the joy inside me.  The earth refused to dawn on me.  His hour was long for me.  I got up six times in one night and checked the clock.  The dawn is natural and laa dawn!  I got up in the morning and headed to their house.

  When I greeted them and entered the house, an old woman came and greeted me and told me to come in and sit down, my child.  I was excited.  Olan entered the room.  Then I told them that I had forgotten their household items and they said, ‘Yes, my daughter told me to give them to someone named Abalu and she went to work.

I was happy to have the item but sad inside to lose it and left saying goodbye.  Then we started calling each other on the same phone call that I got earlier.  She plays a lot.  Not what I feared.  We agreed to meet in person.  When the day came, we met.  We started calling each other again and again.

Our process slowly turned into love.  I loved her very much.  And so did she.
So that’s how I met my fiancé.” He told me.  I was so surprised that I asked him, ‘What will happen next?’  He is;

“We are extremely in love with my fiancé.  I like her attitude so much.  She loves everyone like a mother.  Her respect for her family is amazing.  She often spends her own money to help her many ‘grandchildren*.

When she loses money, she takes it from me and sends it to him.  This was a wonderful character.  Even when I left the city for work, she would call me and say, ‘Please send me money for my grandson’s school fees.

This is how we continued our lives. We also agreed to get married in the future and help many needy people.
We lived in this way for four years in a row.

When I went to the fields, she would call her grandchildren and teach some of them and entertain others. I know many of her grandchildren because she has introduced them to me. They call me, too. I loved it so much.

But one day I couldn’t believe what I saw with my own eyes. I saw the characterful girl playing with her grandson. (Read that play again). I couldn’t believe it. Her grandson had called me before when I went to the fields and asked when I was coming in.

I respected her relatives and would tell her without any secrets. Yesterday, her grandchildren were really grandchildren. I was fooled, but they were grandmothers. You know what I think after that? When I thought of the number of her grandchildren, I started thinking of the number of games played. My mind went crazy. I hated to see her with my own eyes anymore. That’s how we separated.” He told me.

I wrote this article to give a little advice to the candidates. O you candidates! Don’t have too many grandchildren. There is something you sometimes say about ‘my grandmother’, ‘my daughter’, ‘my grandmother’s daughter’, ‘my daughter’, ‘my uncle’s driver’s daughter’, …etc.

What does all this do for you? Who filled out the cards for you? A child who is related to a man who lives next door to my grandmother and whom I consider my mother (brother)? ‘Ere baakkish?’ You didn’t miss the fact! We men won’t stop asking you, will we? Who was that one who called you first? ‘The child of a man I once met in a taxi who was a relative of a man who was my grandmother’s neighbour; ‘oh’ he’s a brother to me too’ kkkkk.

You’ve found a friend and you’re dead. What’s all this deceiving?
After all, you guys! Reduce the number of grandchildren! A grandmother’s child will not benefit you; but it prevents you from having a real relationship. You get into sin that destroys your life.

You will become an easy person who can satisfy his desires at any time. This not only diminishes your dignity as a believer but also your dignity as a human being. When God created us to live in a holy marriage with someone, not to be a universal giver.

Giving everything is for the blood group, not for our honorable body. Humanity is in such trouble that I am challenging you to be known. Let us look at ourselves. How many grandchildren do we have? What does it do for us?
Many of the parents of multiple grandchildren have fought against God, contracted HIV, suffered from sexually transmitted diseases, had their wombs uncovered and their relationships broken, they were exposed to fistula,

they have fallen into a weak mind, they have fallen into oral and anal sex in directions that God does not allow to satisfy their desires due to the frequency of sexual intercourse, they have become balls of Satan, their effectiveness is low in every way results have gone, an unreliable marriage

have become ….they have lost their respect in society.
So first of all, may God save us from such a failure. May He grant those who are under such a fall a heart of mercy so that they may return to God.

May God give wisdom and understanding like Joseph to those who are coming up to the earth in the morning and who are not involved in anything. First Timothy 6:11 says that “the character of a man of God is to flee from these things”. So, O generation; the enemy is collapsing the generation at a rapid pace. We are expected to flee to God immediately.

It is advising each other. It is to strive to please God by sacrificing our desires. Don’t stay away from the church. Read the Word of God. Pray for it! Beware of the sin of adultery/prostitution!
May God increase His mercy and grace upon us!Blessed


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